Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Exegesis of the Holy Quran (Sura al-Fatiha; Part-I)

Beginning the Qur’an with the Name of Allah

The Philosophy of Beginning with the Name of Allah

The Gnostic Secrets of the Name ‘Allah’

Technical Status of Kanz al-Iman

Glad Tidings for the Believers about the Prophetic Intercession

The Rebuttal of Sayyiduna ‘Ali’s Sovereignty

Authentic Saying about the Awaited Imam: Mahdi (A.S.)

Glittering Pearls of the Virtues of Sayyida Fatima (S.A.)

Virtues of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (R.A.)

Full-shine Blessings of Invoking Salutations on the Exalted Prophet (PBUH)

The Straight Road from the Prophetic Traditions

Merits and Virtues of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (R.A.)

The Reality of the Oneness of Allah and the Messengership

Belief in Messengership

Who is a Believer?

Hypocrisy and its Signs

Book on Oneness of Allah (vol. I)

Book on Oneness of Allah (vol. II)

Post-Demise Life of the Prophet

Beseeching for Help and its Legal Status

Sending of Blessings to the Deceased and its Legal Status

Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

Contemporary and International Importance of Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

The Light of Muhammad (PBUH): From Creation to Birth

The Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

History of Celebration of the Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):

The Philosophy of Prophet’s Ascension (PBUH)

Attributes of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Features of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Virtues of Greetings and Salutations

The Captives of Prophet’s Beauty

Belief in the Finality of Prophethood

Pillars of Islam

The Philosophy of Fasting

The Divine Text and its Interpretation

The Dictates of the Islamic Law

The Reality of Spiritualism

The Practical Guide for Mysticism and Spiritualism

Remembrance and the Company of the Pious

The Excellence of Actions

The Excellence of Morality

The Spiritual Disorder and its Cure

Life is a Clash between Good and Evil

Everyone is a Slave to his Likes and Dislikes

Our Real Homeland

The Blessings of Muhammad (PBUH)

The Supplications of Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin

The Islamic Concept of Knowledge

Knowledge—Acquired or Creative

Reform-Seeking Aspects of Religious and Secular Science

Interest-Free Banking and Islamic Economy

Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.):

Martyrdom of Imam Husayn (A.S.):

The Great Slaughter—Isma‘il to Husayn (A.S.)

The Islamic Philosophy of Life

How to End Sectarianism?

Gifted Capacity to Serve Religion

Quranic Philosophy of Preaching

The Objective of Raising of the Prophets (A.S.)

Islamic Concept of Imprisonment and Jail

The Life of Sayyida Khadija al-Kubra (R.A)

Life of Sayyida ‘A’isha Siddiqa (R.A.)

The Scholarly Discipline of Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (Brelvi)

Iqbal’s Man of Faith

Islam and modern science

The Creation of Universe

Rights of Parents

Islamic Teachings Series (3): Faith (Iman)

Islamic Teachings Series (2): Peace and submission (Islam)

The Compassion and Clemency of the Chosen Prophet (PBUH)

An Explication of Tarawih Prayer

Supplication and Remembrance after Ritual Prayer

Warning to the Prophet’s Denigrators

Relationship of Servitude with Allah Almighty

Virtues of the Companions

Virtues of Prophet’s Household

Book on Innovation

The Ghadir Declaration

The Awaited Imam

Creation of Man

Beseeching for Help (Istighathah)

Islamic Concept of Intermediation (Tawassul)

Greetings and Salutations on  the Prophet (PBUH)

Spiritualism and Magnetism

Islamic Concept of Human Nature

Virtues of Sayyidah Fatimah (S.A.)

Demands of Care in Beliefs

Seven Pillars of the Belief in Oneness of God

Belief in the Oneness of God and the Concept of other than Allah

Rights of Minorities in Islam

Basic Principles of the Study of Prophet’s Life

Constitutional Importance of Life of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

The Blessed Objects and their Legal Status

Blessings of the Holy Qur’an and its Recitation

The Preliminaries of the Belief in Oneness of God

The Medials of Law

Visitation of Graves

Belief in the Oneness of God and the Commonality of Attributes

The Alphabetic Names of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Excellent Source of Salutations for the Birthday Celebrations

Economic System of Islam (Reconstruction)

Compendium of Sunna for Posterity

Islamic Concept of Knowledge

The Gnostic Secrets of Aya al-Kursi

Imam Abu Hanifa: The Leading Imam in Hadith (vol. I)

Ijtihad (meanings, application and scope)

Pearls of Remembrance

The Application of the Word ‘Innovation’

The Kinds of Innovation

The Personal and Prophetic Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

The Cultural and Civilizational Import of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

The Economic Significance of the Biography of the Holy Messenger (PBUH)

The Rightly-Guiding Dissertation on Principles of Prophetic Traditions and the Branches of Islamic Doctrine

Significance of Promoting Knowledge and Awareness

The Harmonious Way of Calling to Islam’s Peace Programme

Unveiling the Love of Inanimate and Animate Kingdoms for the Sovereign of the Pious

The Highness of the First in Creation and the Last in Messengership

The Majesty and Authority of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

Unveiling the Gnosis of the Qur’anic Oaths for the Prophet (PBUH)

Elections or Electoral System?

Eulogy of the Beloved Prophet (PBUH), a Source of Inner Delight: Selected Quranic Verses and Traditions

Supplication and its Manners

Islam and Public Welfare

Islamic Concept of Ownership

The Basics of Islamic Economic System

Is Celebration of the Prophet’s Birth an Innovation?

Islamic Teachings Series (5): Cleanliness and Prayer

Intercession Substantiated by Fine Traditions

Imam Azam’s Benefitting from the Companions and Imams of Prophet’s Household

Imam Azam and Imam Bukhari (R.A.)

The Life and Raising of Jesus Christ and the Birth of the Awaited Imam

Charter of Guidance for the Muslim Umma Derived from the Qur’an and Hadith (vol. I)

Selection from Imam al-‘Asqalani’s Chains of Authority linked to the Leading Spiritualists and Gnostics of Divine Knowledge

Sayyiduna Siddiq Akbar’s Status of Nearness and Companionship

Collection of Prophetic Traditions on Divine Mercy

Seeking Blessings and Intermediation of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Covenant of the Realm of Spirits and the Majesty of Allah’s Beloved Messenger (PBUH)

The Prophetic Glory on the Day of Reckoning

An Account of Imam A‘zam’s Hadith Collections (Masanid)

Remembering Farid al-Milla

Authentication of Hasan’s Hearing of ‘Ali (R.A.) - Urdu

The Excellence of Merits and Virtues of the Companions and Prophet’s Kindred

The Virtues of Greetings and Salutations and the Prophet’s Majesty

The Curricula of Training (part-I)

The Rituals of Milad Celebrations

Islamic Teachings Series (6): Fasting and Spiritual Retreat

Establishment of Ritual Prayer, A Source of Deliverance

A Collection of the Prophet’s Supplications and Litanies

The Blessings of the Greetings and Salutations - Urdu

The Excellence of Merit of Fasting and Night Vigil

Al-Hadith Al-Asanid: As-Subul al-Wahabiyya fi al-Asanid adh-Dhahabiyya

Al-Hadith Al-Asanid: Al-Jawahir al-Bahira fi al-Asanid at-Tahira

Terrorism and the Tribulation of the Kharijites

Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings

Arba‘in Series: Holy Names of the Messengeri (PBUH)

Arba‘in Series: Intermediation of the Prophet (PBUH)

Arba‘in Series: Blessings of the Visitation of the Prophet’s Mausoleum

The Prophetic Distinction in the Worldly Attributes

Arba‘in Series: The Prophet (PBUH) is Alive

The Tribulation of Kharijites

Arba‘in Series: Nobility in Seeking Blessings from the Prophet i (PBUH)

The Minhaj-ul-Quran Movement: The Concept of Din

Saints’ Narration Series: Ibn al-Arabi’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)

Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Sulami’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)

Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Qushayri’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)

Saints’ Narration Series: Imam al-Suharwardi’s Hadith Reports Contiguously Ascending (marfu‘ muttasil) to the Prophet (PBUH)

Masail e Zakat

Islamic Teachings Series (7): Hajj and Visitation

Arba‘in Series: The Companions’ Rapturous Love for the Beloved Messenger

Arba‘in Series: Virtues of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs

Arba‘in Series: The Remembrance of Sayyiduna ‘Ali (karam Allah wajhah al-karim)

Holy Journey

Belief in the Destiny

Arba‘in Series: The Faith-Inspiring Visitation of Graves

Arba‘in Series: The Faith-Inspiring Incidents of the Companions l in Obedience to the Prophet (PBUH)

Arba‘in Series: The Remembrance of the Companions (R.A.)

bad Intizami ya Azab e Elahi! Nijat kesay Mumkin hay?

Forty Prophetic Traditions on the Virtues of the Quran

Arba‘in Series: Excellence of Greetings and Salutations on the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

The Real Change in Pakistan—how and why?

Shaykh-ul-Islam: Tanqeed - Karnamy - Taasuraat

The Prophetic Conquests in the Post-resurrection Attributes

Arba‘in Series: Virtues of Supererogatory Fasting

Arba‘in Series: Blessings of Zakat

Arba‘in Series: Blessings of Donating Reward to the Deceased

Introduction to the Fatwa on Suicide Bombings and Terrorism


Bedari-e-Shaoor (Zaroorat-o-Ahmiyyat)

Arba‘in Series: Farhatul-ul-Qulub fi Madh-in-Nabi al-Mahbub (S.W.A)

Arba‘in Series: Tuhfatu Nubala Fi Fadle Russule wl Anbiya

Arba‘in Series: Husn-ul-Kalam min Madah-e-Sahaba Khair un Anam (S.W.A)

Siyasat nahin, Riyasat Bachao:

Islamabad Long March

Zakat awr Sadaqa

Jadeed Masail ka Islami Hal

Election 2013

Sada-e-Inqilab (Majmua e Khitabat)
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Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has authored one thousand books in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. About 425 of these books have been printed and published while 575 books are in the pipeline, undergoing various processes of publication. Some of these books have also been translated in many other languages of the world. His revivalist, reformative and reconstructive efforts and peace dynamics bear historic significance and hold an unparalleled position in promoting the cause of world peace and human rights, propagating the true Islamic faith, producing prodigious research work and preaching the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.

Online Books
English 41
Arabic 19
Urdu 556
French 2
German 1
Norwegian 1
in Unicode 126
in Images 287
in PDF 208
in ZIP 236
Unique Books 321
Total Books 857
Total Pages 154,691
Hits: 2,665,044
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